Fundraising Event for the Medical and Surgical Mission in Tigbauan, Iloilo, Philippines

The world is full of different people with different goals and aspirations. Some have the opportunity to pursue their dreams, while others have to make ends meet daily.

For us all to live better lives, we must be aware of those less fortunate than ourselves. We must do our part to help them achieve their goals so that we can all live in a better world together.

With that, the Helping Hands Foundation was created. Helping Hands Foundation, Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization that provides financial assistance to those who need medical and surgical treatment but cannot afford the cost.

The Medical and Surgical Mission is one of their major fundraising events that will be held on December 03, 2022, at The Grand Ballroom, Double Tree Hilton Hotel, 4099 Valley View Ln., Dallas, Texas.

Join us as we help the less fortunate by giving them hope through our mission of serving humanity in times of sickness and distress.

The foundation promises an engaging event. Your participation and support will make a significant difference for the less fortunate and humanity! We hope you can be part of our day of giving to those in need.

We all can create a positive impact in the world, but we would never know that until we start doing it. As we begin building our legacy, we will soon realize that there are other lives out there that are in need of help. Be it family, colleagues, or strangers in the metro, who knows, but you will be surprised how much helping hands spread and multiply.

We at Helping Hands Foundation, Inc. invite you to share our vision and mission of making a difference. We hope you will be part of this cause and make this world better by helping those in need.

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